Stafford Consulting Company, Inc. Developed Courses


Stafford Consulting Company, Inc. is a certified DAU equivalent provider.

Acquisition Law Courses Course Length (Days) FED CLPs IACET C.E.U.s
ACQ 3700v Acquisition Law 5 51 4.6
Federal Contract Law 3 24 1.3
Appropriations Law for Contracting Professionals (Coming Soon) 3 or 5 Days 24 or 40 TBD
Federal Appropriations Law Refresher 1 TBD TBD
FFM 403 Federal Appropriations Law 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Days 8 Per Day 0.4, 0.8, 1.3, 1.7 or 2
Grants Courses Course Length (Days) FED CLPs IACET C.E.U.s
GRT 201v Introduction to Grants 5 40 1.3
Introduction to Grants and Cooperative Agreements 2 16 TBD
IT/Project Management Courses Course Length (Days) FED CLPs IACET C.E.U.s
Agile Project Management Overview 3 or 5 24 or 40 1.3 or 2
Introduction to Acquisition Agile Services 5 40 TBD
A Hands on Approach to Project Management 3 24 TBD
Leadership and Coaching Courses Course Length (Days) FED CLPs IACET C.E.U.s
Leadership Skills 1 8 0.4
Leadership Training Supervisors and Managers 1 8 0.4
Leadership Training for Team Leaders 1 8 0.4
Training for Leaders of Distanced Teams 1 8 TBD
Leadership Coaching Services Hourly 1 CLP Per Hour TBD
Source Selection Courses Course Length (Days) FED CLPs IACET C.E.U.s
FAR Part 8, GWACS and Source Selection 2 16 0.8
Source Selection/Best Value 1 or 2 Days 8 or 16 0.5 or 0.8
FCN 520 Source Selection (Coming Soon) 5 40 TBD
Best Value Continuum 1 or 2 Days 8 or 16 TBD
General Elective Courses Course Length (Days) FED CLPs IACET C.E.U.s
Advanced Simplified Acquisition Procedures 5 40 2.4
Annual FAR Update 1 8 TBD
Basic Simplified Acquisition Procedures 5 40 2
Commercial Item Determination 2 16 TBD
Contract Closeout Procedures 1 or 2 Day 8 or 16 TBD
Contractor Performance Evaluation 3 24 TBD
Cost and Price Analysis 3 24 0.8
Developing Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) 1, 2 or 3 8, 16 or 24 0.4, 0.8 or 1.3
EBS Workshop: Effective Briefing Skills WORKSHOP 3 24 1.3
Evaluation Methodologies 2 16 0.8
FAR Overview/Intro to Contracting 1 8 0.4
FAR Part 16 2 16 TBD
FAR Provision and Clauses 2 16 TBD
FCN 165: Protests, Disputes and Terminations 2 or 3 16 or 24 1.3
FCN 198: Commercial Item Contracting 2 16 TBD
FCN 400: Emergency Contracting Basics 2 16 4
FFM 406: Federal Budget Process 3 24 1.3
Financial Management of Business Operations in Government 3 24 TBD
ID/IQ Contracts 2 16 TBD
Integrated Product Teams 2 16 TBD
Intellectual Property Law 2 16 TBD
Market Research 1 or 2 8 or 16 TBD
Negotiation Skills Workshop 3 or 5 24 or 40 TBD
PBA Workshop: Performance Based Acquisitions WORKSHOP 2 or 3 16 or 24 TBD
PBSOW Workshop: Performance Based Statements of Work WORKSHOP 2 16 TBD
Performance Based Contracts 2 16 TBD
Risk Management in Acquisitions 2 16 TBD
SAP Workshop: Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) 5 40 TBD
Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) 2 or 3 16 or 24 TBD
Source Selection for CORs 2 16 TBD
Statement of Work WORKSHOP 2, 3 or 5 16, 24 or 40 TBD
Writing Statements Of Work WORKSHOP 3 24 TBD