Project Description


Contract Closeout is the culminating step in the acquisition lifecycle, and marks the completion of the vendor-Government contractual relationship for a given product or service. Contract Closeout occurs upon completion of all administrative and financial responsibilities associated with the contract and after resolution of any disputes. The procedures associated with closeout are governed by FAR 4.804, and differ based on upon the dollar value and complexity as well as type of the contract in question. This course guides acquisition professionals through the closeout process and discusses challenges that often delay timely closeout.

Learning Objectives

  • The Importance of Contract Closeout
  • Regulations and Policies Governing Contract Closeout
  • Closeout Procedural Basics
  • Contract-Specific Closeout Requirements and Best Practices
  • Challenges to Timely Closeout

Course Details

  • Course Length –1 day
  • Continuous Learning Points – 8
  • Graded Materials Include:  Attendance of all Instructional Hours, Participation, and Course Exercises
  • SCC offers this course virtually through the following: Adobe Connect, Microsoft Teams, Zoom for Government, and Google Meets.


Course ID

Contract Closeout Procedures

Course Length

1 Day





Delivery Method

Course is available In-Person and Virtually

To request this course, email us at: