Project Description


This course thoroughly explores IPTs and their role in the acquisition lifecycle. The course will delve into composition of a well-structured IPT, the necessary functional disciplines that should be represented, the various roles and responsibilities of the IPT throughout the acquisition process, and the ultimate goals of the IPT.

Learning Objectives

  • Define an integrated product team and understand the roles and responsibilities of the various team members.

  • Describe the function of the IPT throughout each phase of the acquisition lifecycle.
  • Compare and contrast the three different types of IPTs as defined by the Department of Defense
  • Explain the logistics of implementing a performance-based support strategy via an IPT.

Course Details

  • Course Length –2 days
  • Continuous Learning Points – 16
  • Graded Materials Include: Attendance of all Instructional Hours, Participation, and Course Exercises
  • SCC offers this course virtually through the following: Adobe Connect, Microsoft Teams, Zoom for Government, and Google Meets.


Course ID

Integrated Product Teams

Course Length

2 Days





Delivery Method

Course is available In-Person and Virtually

To request this course, email us at: