Project Description


The course is an overview that acquaints participants with the purposes and principles of the federal budget.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the major legislation affecting the federal budget process.
  • Track the budget timeline and the three phases of the budget process.
  • Identify the roles of the major players in the budget process.
  • Explain how agency budget submissions contribute to the President’s Budget.
  • Outline how agencies use and track their allocated funds.
  • List the methods established to audit the use of federal funds.
  • Quantify the size and scope of the President’s current Budget.
  • Identify trends in federal spending during the last 40 years

Course Details

  • Course Length3 Days
  • Continuous Learning Points – 24
  • Graded Materials Include: Case Studies, Practical Exercises, In-Class Assignments, Group Discussion and Attendance of all Instructional Hours
  • SCC offers this course virtually through the following: Adobe Connect, Microsoft Teams, Zoom for Government, and Google Meets.


Course ID

FFM 406 – Federal Budget Process

Course Length

3 Days





Delivery Method

Course is available In-Person and Virtually

To request this course, email us at: