Project Description


This course is specifically designed for Acquisition Professionals, Project Managers, Subject Matter Experts, and Contracting Officer’s Representatives.  In this course, participants will receive an overview of contract law fundamentals with specific focus on Fiscal Law, intellectual property, contractor performance, and procurement fraud.  Interactive lecture will be reinforced through engagement exercises designed to hone a greater understanding of contract law framework.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the fundamentals of the legal process and how they apply to contract formation and administration.
  • Understand the requirements for legally binding contracts and the characteristics of government contracts that differ from contracts between private parties.
  • Detail the process by which Government expenditures are authorized and funded, and identify the major types of appropriations and their uses.
  • List the types of intellectual property rights and understand their application in Federal contracting.
  • Apply the rules of contract interpretation to a given scenario.
  • Understand the methods used to change contract requirements.
  • Identify common fraudulent practices that may occur during the procurement process and administrative remedies for fraudulent conduct.

Course Details

  • Course Length3 Days
  • Continuous Learning Points – 24
  • Graded Materials Include: Attendance of all Instructional Hours, Participation, and Course Exercises
  • SCC offers this course virtually through the following: Adobe Connect, Microsoft Teams, Zoom for Government, and Google Meets.
Course ID
Federal Contract Law
Course Length
3 Days


Delivery Method

Course is available In-Person and Virtually

To request this course, email us at: