Project Description


This virtual instructor-led training (vILT) course provides the foundational overview of the common law, statutory and regulatory aspects that impact Government acquisition while exploring specific fiscal law aspects and contract administration matters. It is an extremely interactive course that also examines, through application of case readings and exercises, the objective analysis and understanding of the legal concepts.

Learning Objectives

  • Given appropriate reference material, discuss the constitutional, statutory, regulatory, and decisional authorities applicable to both commercial and governmental acquisitions.
  • Given appropriate reference material, identify, discuss, support and defend the statutory, regulatory, and decisional restrictions applicable to the expenditure of appropriated funds
  • Given appropriate reference material, discuss, support and defend a given position by applying the concepts associated with performance under Government acquisition.
  • Given appropriate reference material, discuss the process for prosecuting a protest in a government acquisition and differentiate the various decisions of actual caselaw.
  • Given appropriate ref material, apply the divergent & convergent thinking lesson to discuss, support & defend a position using the statutes & regulations governing the govt employee ethical conduct.

Course Details

  • Course Length – 4.5 (live and self-paced instruction)
  • Graded Materials Include: Pre-course Work, Exercises, Group Projects, Capstone, Participation, Attendance of all Instructional Hours, and Exam
  • SCC offers this course virtually through the following: Adobe Connect, Microsoft Teams, Zoom for Government, and Google Meets.
Course ID
ACQ 3700v
Course Length
5 Days
DoD (51) | FED (51)


Delivery Method

Course is available In-Person and Virtually

To request this course, email us at: