Past Events › FAC-COR Courses

COR 222 Contracting Officers Representative Course (DoD or Civilian Focus)

Adobe Connect

This course is designed for Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs) who are responsible for assuring that contractors perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. COR 222 will provide CORs the breadth of knowledge required to perform their role, including knowledge related to COR roles and responsibilities, as well as fundamentals of contracting regulations, types, phases, and other elements; awareness of ethical and legal factors that impact COR responsibilities; and information necessary to effectively evaluate situations, apply knowledge gained, and make correct decisions to carry out COR responsibilities. This course can be DoD based or directed at a Federal [...]


ACQ 265: Mission-Focused Services Acquisition

Adobe Connect

This course provides acquisition team members with the tools and techniques needed to analyze and apply performance-based principles when developing requirements documents and effective business strategies for contractor-provided services. This course uses the following methods: The seven-step Service Acquisition process, a team-oriented approach, and multiple interactive, hands-on, learning sessions to apply the principles. Individuals that need to improve their skills in developing and defining service requirements, supporting business strategies, and effectively managing the resulting contractor performance will benefit from this course. Experienced acquisition professionals can also use this course as an opportunity to improve their understanding of the Service Acquisition Process. [...]


FCR 201: COR Level II (9:00am-5:00pm ET)

Adobe Connect

This course is specifically designed for the COR that has attained FAC-COR Level I certification and desires to increase their mastery of the FAC-COR competencies. Students will gain the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to perform the duties of a Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) at a greater level of competency. They will gain an understanding of standards of conduct and ethics, development of requirements documents, contract documentation, inspection procedures, changes, terminations, and disputes. Students will navigate more complex acquisition situations than typically encountered at the FAC-COR Level 1 ranging from acquisition planning to issues with contractor performance. This course will aid [...]

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