Project Description


This course focuses on the specialized knowledge and abilities unique to IT projects areas. The student will focus on technical performance outcomes to satisfy competencies related to IT management, security, and performance assurance. The student will learn these skills and techniques through robust content, Federal examples, and be assessed through a rubric at the end of each section.

Learning Objectives

  • Review IT knowledge domains of the Federal government
  • Review the tools, equipment, and technologies used to assist individuals with disabilities to use computer equipment and software
  • Put these principles, procedures, and tools to use in the Federal data management domain
  • Select the principles, methods, and tools to assess the effectiveness and practicality of IT systems
  • Learn Administer the principles, methods, and techniques of IT assessment, planning, management, monitoring, and evaluation
  • Discover and implement new developments and applications of IT (hardware, software, telecommunications), emerging technologies to business processes, and information systems to meet organizational requirements
  • Implement the principles, methods, and tools for the coordinated management of an IT program, to include providing oversight of multiple IT projects, integrating dependent schedules and deliverables, and related activities

Course Details

  • Course Length –4 days
  • Graded Materials Include:  Attendance of all Instructional Hours, Participation, Course Exercises, and Culminating Assessment
  • SCC offers this course virtually through the following: Adobe Connect, Microsoft Teams, Zoom for Government, and Google Meets.

*It is recommended that FAC-P/PM courses are taken in order.


Course ID

FPM 511

Course Length

4 Days


D0D (N/A) | FED (32)



Delivery Method

Course is available In-Person and Virtually

To request this course, email us at: